To contact the program coordinator (Fae Fazel), click here
BIOF Graduate Program Handbook: this document contains the guidelines for students and mentors/supervisors
MSc Program Resources
BIOF Committee Report Form: form to be used for all committee meetings – at least one per year.
BIOF MSc Program Quick Facts: guidelines for Masters program in point form.
Student guidelines for transferring from MSc to PhD program: must be filled out in order for student to transfer to PhD –at least two weeks before start of term that student is intending to transfer.
Student Guidelines for completion of MSc thesis: as it states – these are the steps that need to be taken in order for students to complete their thesis for defense – should start looking at it when planning to write up.
MSc. Thesis Approval Form: needs to be signed by committee and supervisor (or email approval) and given to the program coordinator before a student can defend their thesis.
Program Extension: this form must be filled out if the student requires more time to finish their degree.
MSc. Defense Chair Instructions
PhD Program Resources
BIOF Committee Report Form: form to be used for all committee meetings – at least one per year.
BIOF PhD Quick Facts: guidelines for PhD program in point form.
Student guidelines for PhD qualifying exam: as stated – these are some guidelines to follow when a student is preparing for their comprehensive (PhD qualifying) exam.
PhD thesis Approval Form: needs to be signed by committee and supervisor (or email approval) and given to the program coordinator before a student can start the process for defense of their thesis.
Program Extension: this form must be filled out if the student requires more time to finish their degree.
Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam Chair Instructions
Course-related documents
Change of registration: if student cannot register for a course – due to restriction or other reasons, this form needs to be filled out, signed by course instructor and given to the program coordinator in order for student to take the course.
Professional Development workshop form: students need to take two professional development courses before they can graduate. This form needs to be filled out (for each course) and sent to the program coordinator – you will not be allowed to defend your thesis until forms have been received.
WDA: form required to take courses at another University.
Additional documents concerning UBC policy:
Policy 85 – Scholarly Integrity