Dear all,
VanBUG is hosting a special seminar for Prof. Em. Temple Smith. Dr. Smith developed the Smith-Waterman algorithm with Michael Waterman in 1981. This algorithm is the basis of sequence comparison, allowing us to identify similar DNA or protein sequences. He will be talking about the molecular evolution of a number of protein families, including the programmed cell death Lifeguard family and the aminoacyl tRNA synthase family.
VanBUG Seminar: How far can biology’s Big Data take us?
Time: Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 1:00 PM
Location: Gordon and Leslie Diamond Family Theatre, BC Cancer Research Centre, 675 West 10th Avenue
Please note the time difference!!!
VanBUG will also be hosting a pizza lunch with Dr. Smith. Please RSVPto by Monday, 5/4, 5 pm:
Amy Huei-Yi Lee Ph.D.
Postdoctoral fellow
Nislow/ Giaever Labs
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of British Columbia
2405 Wesbrook Mall, #6615
Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z3
Lab phone: 604-827-0345
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